
Li-Fi – 10 Times Faster Than Wi-FI

Lі-Fі іѕ a wireless tесhnоlоgу ѕіmіlаr tо Wі-Fі thаt аllоwѕ data tо bе ѕеnt аt high speeds uѕіng vіѕіblе lіght соmmunісаtіоn (VLC). Invented by Prоfеѕѕоr Harald Haas from thе Unіvеrѕіtу оf...

CySafe Security for Business- Why You Need it Now

  Millions of identities stolen.  Credit card fraud at an all-time high.  Trillions stolen from companies worldwide.  Cyber hackers attacking with reckless abandon. The cyber world has become an increasingly dangerous place...

Netflix Phishing Scam Surfaces – Don’t be fooled!

Another, on the long list of phishing scams, has just surfaced This one targets the 44 million Netflix customers. Like many others, this scam is asking for your login credentials and may...

Ransomware – What is Your Data Worth?

'Ransomware' classified as malware attempts to extort money from an infected computer user by taking control of the victim's machine Today criminal hackers exploit vulnerabilities either to lock the computer to prevent...

5G is Around the Corner – What You Need to Know

Verizon will be transforming the nation's wireless service with the first adoption of 5G Over the last several months, the company added significantly higher speed and responsiveness with LTE Advanced. By...

Samsung Kills the Galaxy Note 7 – Stock Price Plummets

Samsung orders recall of all Note 7 devices, both new & replacements. A worst-case scenario may become a reality for Samsung. The Galaxy Note 7 may become known as one of the worst...

Google’s Pixel – There’s a New Android in Town

Google Announces the Pixel - Will this make you forget about Samsung and Apple? As Samsung struggles to find solutions for the new Note 7, and iPhone users continue to lose interest...

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – Can They Regain Your Trust?

In the last two months the media has downplayed consumer confidence as another defective product explodes. In mid August Samsung began to promote it’s latest smartphone with a Gorilla Glass AMOLED...

Opera Free VPN Browser with Ad Blocker

Using the new Opera free VPN, the public will now be able to avoid further online browsing privacy issues with the NSA breathing down their neck. In late April, Opera released...

How-To: Register for WWDC 2016

Five days ago Siri prematurely leaked the upcoming Apple WWDC dates When asked about the event, Siri is excited and advises the user to find out all about WWDC on Apple’s...
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Tom Clancy’s The Division – Update 1.2: Conflict [US]

Continued promises leads to less than nothing for The Division As we mentioned back a few months ago, when we reviewed this game for the...