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Phillip R. Bertolini

Phillip R. Bertolini
Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson appointed Phil Bertolini as Deputy County Executive/CIO for Oakland County in January 2005. Bertolini is a vocal advocate for cloud and enterprise solutions in government, cross-boundary resource sharing, and inter-jurisdictional cooperation. He has overseen the development of unique government technology programs such as the G2G Cloud Solutions Initiative, the G2G Marketplace and the Cyber Security Assessment for Everyone (CySAFE) initiative. Bertolini promotes his philosophy of “Build it once, pay for it once, and everybody benefits” to government agencies across the nation and globally. Bertolini received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Telecommunications from Michigan State University. He resides in Oakland County with his wife and two children.
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Tom Clancy’s The Division – Update 1.2: Conflict [US]

Continued promises leads to less than nothing for The Division As we mentioned back a few months ago, when we reviewed this game for the...