When the Apple Watch 2 arrives in 2016, it may very well set the beat for the rest of the industry

Labeled the best smartwatch of 2015 from ZDNet, the Apple Watch is the most compelling product on the market today. Its sleek construction, the enduring battery life, and its initial release already has more than 1,300 apps. After only the first few months from the initial launch, speculation of sales numbers continued by many analysts, ranging from 2.5 million to 15 million units sold.

Predictions started late in 2015 for the Apple Watch 2. Rumors of its early 2016 product launch have been hush hush and cloaked in secrecy, yet based on source wheniskeynote, the iPad Air Pro presentation is set for March 21. Other sources report that the product launch could be much later in the year, only time will tell.

The second generation Apple Watch may come with a new multifunction wristband, based on Apple’s latest patent. According to several sources, there is a high degree of probability that one of the new features will be a a front facing FaceTime camera. It’s also rumored that Apple will unveil a new ARM processor.

WatchOS2 software, has been tweaked and refined by developers to provide the framework of a more personal experience. WatchOS 2 will also provide the wearer more attractive watch face designs and work exactly as you like. One of the new features of the OS is Time Travel, which allows you turn back (or forward) in time to display certain information from a different date and time. A welcome new addition to the OS is the ability to charge the watch on its side and use the display as a nightstand clock with alarm functions.

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