Adobe patches 0-Day Exploit

Last Thursday, Adobe issued a critical update patch for a zero day vulnerability flaw with Adobe Flash

As reported by the Adobe Security Bulletin APSB16-10,  its software is being actively exploited on systems running Windows 10 and earlier with Flash Player version and earlier. As defined by Trend Micro, a zero-day vulnerability is an undisclosed critical flaw that requires immediate patching or update to avoid exploitation. This vulnerability, found by security experts, is  recommending updates for systems running Windows, OS X, Linux and Chrome OS.

Over the last month, Ransomware attacks have increased under the guise of Cerber. This malware, which when infected, encrypts hard drive data and demands payment by various means for hundreds of dollars. While Ransomware has grown in recent months, hackers using these attacks are becoming increasingly more sophisticated with tools used for profit. Sources report hackers use these exploit kits to exploit security holes and seek computers who view infected flash websites to spread malware. The worst attack was in 2013 with 38 million Adobe IDs with encrypted passwords being compromised.

Last year, Amazon made a decision to stop accepting Adobe Flash ads due to the security flaws encountered. According to Wired Magazine, Google also is pausing playback of html ads that use Adobe Flash. While both Firefox and Safari already support similar features, Microsoft is now also following suit adding a feature with Edge browser. The next update will also automatically pause Adobe Flash content when it detects ads and animations on a webpage.

The death of Adobe Flash perhaps maybe the most celebrated event in PC history if it ever happens. Yet six years ago Steve Jobs wrote ‘Thoughts on Flash‘,  articulating a detailed explanation of not incorporating in mobile platforms.

Our motivation is simple – we want to provide the most advanced and innovative platform to our developers, and we want them to stand directly on the shoulders of this platform and create the best apps the world has ever seen

Shortly thereafter, Adobe abandoned all hope with Android OS mobile devices. On a financial note, as published by FINRA, the NASDAQ stock ADBE registered a decrease of 9.88% in short interest of 6.30M shares. Coincidently, trading today has the stock at a downward slide currently at $ 92.95 and falling.


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