Continued promises leads to less than nothing for The Division

As we mentioned back a few months ago, when we reviewed this game for the first time, The Division has been a nuisance of problems, bugs and glitches ever since the game’s original release. The monthly update named Conflict, added a Clear Sky incursion, new PvE content, new gear sets, and a change to the loot system. If the first 1.1 update wasn’t bad enough, the 1.2 update brings new problems and more issues to the game. That seems to be a consistent problem of the game, The Division, over promising and under delivering.

Sadly the dropped update released last week was malfunctioning in the first hour. Game characters are missing again, just like in the 1.1 update. What’s even more frustrating is the new PvE, now having to
complete Search and Destroy missions based in the Safe Houses. Then, with this new amount of Intel gathered you can complete the daily and weekly High Value Targets. The daily and weekly High Value Targets are not completely resetting or not providing rewards after finishing. The named incursion Clear Sky continually loops with matchmaking. If that isn’t enough, the incursion resets itself with endless tidal wave spawns of NPC’s. My concern is like most gamers, why doesn’t Massive / Ubisoft test these updates before release?

The only good change, is the loot system providing better gear and weapons. According to Ubisoft a Hard Mode Boss Drop will yield one GS163 HE. A Hard Mode Mission Reward will be the same one GS163 HE. For the Challenge Mode Mission Boss Drops two GS182 HE or a chance for 191 Gear Set piece or a 214 Gear Set piece. Frankly this is no longer great for farming, except for crafting since most players have Gear Sets at 240 already.

As I cannot comprehend the adding of new gear sets, or receiving the same 163, 192, 191 gear items over and over again from the mission completion. I had hoped that this new update would change all that. As most players would agree, at level 30, this is enough already. So the only reasonable thing to do is for my player to junk and deconstruct or sell every piece below 214. And with enough Phoenix credits to purchase a 214 gear set at the Base for crafting.

As I have a jaded view of this new 1.2 update for the Xbox One platform, the “new” incursion was part of the game before the release in April. As a gamer, this is down right laughable, and that is being kind. The
developers have yet to talk about when all these glitches will be fixed. But this known issue takes the Grammy award, the user interface appears brighter, doubled upon entering another player’s session. Nearly 60 percent of the PC player base has declined according to Steam. The unfortunate truth is, with lazy sub-standard development, playing The Division is becoming a worthless endeavour.

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