Steve Jobs once said “Don’t let the noise of other’s’ opinions drown out your own inner voice”

In 2005 Apple added the podcast feature to its iOS software iTunes version 4.9 and users could download,organize and subscribe to podcasts. Today there are thousands of podcasts for every genre and mood. The Pew Research group stated recently the percentage of American’s listening to podcasts increased two points from 2014 to 2015, and continues to grow. Here are some tech podcasts that are worth following.


Exponent a program hosted by Ben Thompson and James Allworth discuss causality effect of technology, impacting within social media, corporate, and the government. Recently added is Ben and James discuss Apple versus the FBI.

2. Replay All

Reply All launched on 2014, is an inciteful show about the internet, and the masses hosted by PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman. New podcast episodes are published every Wednesday evening.

3. Windows Weekly

Hosted by Leo Laporte, Mary Jo Foley, and Paul Thurrott, this Microsoft-centric panel podcast features reviews software updates and the microsoft user experience.,

4. NPR: Technology Podcast

TED Radio Hour, from the NPR: Technology Podcast is hosted by Guy Raz. Each broadcast offers a fresh approach that takes listeners identifying and shaping ideas. One of their recent episodes, propose how does money motivate, trick, satisfy and disappoint us? In this hour, TED speakers share insights into our relationship with money.

5. Accidental Tech Podcast

Featuring hosts Marco Arment, Casey Liss, and John Siracusa, discussing technology,, programming, and loosely related matters concerning Apple.

6. Note To Self

One of New York City’s finest programs, listen to host Manoush Zomorodi as he discusses how to use technology more tenaciously. In recent months I liked the segment from Is My Phone Eavesdropping On Me? from Walter Kirn, who also wrote the book behind “Up in the Air” with George Clooney.

7. Codebreaker

Codebreaker is a podcast offering engaging narrative into technology that consume us every day. In season one, they are starting with three simple words: Is it evil?


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