Website Marketing

Marketing your website is now more important than ever

The objective of having your new website is to have people visit it. Do you really think that once you get your new website up and running, money is going to start pouring in? Think again! Or maybe you’ve passed that point and realize that your super cool site just isn’t getting the visitors or the buzz you were anticipating.

The point is, don’t ever think that your business idea is so great that it will just sell itself. No, it’s just not going to happen. You have to get the word out. That is, you must let others know how awesome your idea is. And the only way to do that is via marketing. When it comes to making money online with your website, there is no better way to make this happen than hiring an expert marketing agency to promote your product or services.

Truth be told, there will always be someone out there with a better idea. You don’t have to have the best or the newest best thing, you only have to know how to tell the story better, and get the word across. Welcome to the world of marketing.

Established businesses can use tweets, logo’s and ads to promote their brand but if you’re new, you really have to go over the top in explaining exactly what you do (or sell) and why your product/services or idea is so great. To start with, take the time to develop a relationship with your visitors and then show your thought leadership.

After spending a boatload of money to get your business off the ground, hiring and training your staff, consulting with CPAs, attorneys and bankers, hiring web developers to build the perfect website, it’s just as important to hire an expert Marketing and consulting agency.

Not Just Marketing – The Right Marketing Approach

So you’ve searched the WEB and found the ideal SEO and Marketing team. Only $99/mo and guaranteed to get you on the first past of Google within 24hrs. Great.

Now, why would you think you can hire a marketing specialist that advertises that they can get you on the first page of Google for less than the cost of your family’s monthly gym membership?

Fall for this type of marketing and it’s only downhill from here. It just might take you a while to wake up and see that marketing your website shouldn’t be placed in the hands of the lowest priced agency.

Marketing your website needs to come first and not last. You may have already learned the hard way that your nephew wasn’t the best choice in doing your corporate taxes. Or the backyard mechanic that said he could save you a bunch on fixing that car problem but ended up costing you much more in the long run.

So why do so many business owners often think that money is going to start pouring in as soon as they get their new website up? That’s just not going to happen on its own. That new website is just the beginning. Your website needs to be filled with a substantial amount of helpful, meaningful content that people can use. Not forgetting links to other helpful websites as well as working towards getting a healthy amount of quality backlinks from the leaders in your industry to underscore your website authority. The trouble is, you don’t know what you don’t know. This is why marketing your business and your website needs to be your primary focus, not an afterthought.

No, SEO alone is not going to save you

No matter how much money and effort you put into proper white hat strategies and SEO best practices, your website is not going to be the primary source of revenue. Just like the world of finance, where you need to have multiple streams of income to really do well, the same holds true with marketing.

Like it or not, your website needs help from other Internet sources such as Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Connect with all the top niche directory and referral sites that can help get the word out. I’m sure you know the leaders in your industry, reach out to them as well as freelance writers, social media gurus and other experts that you can turn into followers and can help spread the word.

Another stake in the coffin could be the misguided thought of many new website owners that they can write all their site content themselves. After all, who knows their business better than they do, right? No, this could just be the beginning of the end for the business and they just don’t know it. Take the time to reach out to professional marketers and content creators that know your business. Ones that will really listen to you and will work to understand your business so they can successfully develop a marketing strategy and deliver content to your website that will set you in the position of being a thought leader.

My takeaway is, if it’s one thing that Google wants you to understand, I believe it’s the fact that they want to give top billing in search results to websites that they believe can deliver the best “user experience.” In the long run, if you make an effort to always put the reader first and strive to create the highest quality content possible, without worrying about Google’s search engine results or rankings as the major motivation for the articles, you just may get those elusive visitors you’ve been looking for.

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