Prey Anti Theft
With the fact that laptop and mobile device theft is constantly rising, the Prey Anti Theft app is a good preemptive measure. The Prey Anti Theft app is 100% free for three devices on a single account. When installed, and an account is registered, prey tracks your device as long as you allow capturing gps geo-locations, allow access to the camera capturing images and you allow notifications to be sent when available. Upon the app receiving notification that your device is ever lost or stolen, you have the ability to immediately start receiving reports. Prey Anti Theft has a proven track record, and adds an extra layer of protection free of charge.

Weather Underground
I wish the Post Office was as efficient as the free Weather Underground app. And while the weather is a reliable topic of conversation, the free Weather Underground app offers a ton of weather based information at a glance. The settings are highly customizable with a simple interface of extended hourly, day and weekly forecasts. The detailed features ranging from humidity, dew point, pressure, and visibility from different map types, puts your local televised meteorologist to shame.

Opera VPN
In April, Opera released the beta version of their browser that included an integrated, unlimited, free vpn. On May 9th, Opera released the free iOS app that uses the integrated SurfEasy VPN service. The setup takes only seconds to configure the network vpn settings and auto-selects the closest region. Once enabled, the Opera VPN provides a secure “tunnel” to the destination, preventing theft of credentials and personal information. Opera may be at the bottom of the list in the browser wars, but with hope, perhaps the top five will take notice and also develop privacy focused features soon.

Sleep Better
With numerous sleep monitoring apps saturating the market, Sleep Better tweaks the experience by adding a  few bells and whistles to the mix. Sleep Better, a free iOS app,(sorry Android users)  includes a personalized smart alarm, algorithms for monitoring sleep patterns, and fully integrates itself with Apple Health. Adding a humanistic approach, the app allows the user to enter daily habits and variables such as eating late, caffeine and alcohol consumption and stress levels. When you wake, Sleep Better questions you for how well you slept, what dreams you had, and how you feel. For someone crunching the numbers, the statistics have categories for weekly, monthly and year overall. You can also get the stats for the shortest to longest night as well as average bed time.



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