Apple iPhone


The debate about whether Apple should develop code in order for the government to unlock iPhones when they want is garnering a lot of attention.

Privacy and personal security are both at risk, and while it may seem like Apple is being difficult, there is actually a lot more to the situation, and the implications of any future cases.

Apple is refusing to give into the government and develop a code that will allow them to break into the iPhone that belonged to the San Bernardino shooter. They state that it would be against their privacy statement that they give their customers in order to ensure that their personal information is safe. They have a responsibility to their customers that they intend to uphold. While further mentioning, that if they do this for this one time, they cannot guarantee that the government will not use it again for any reason later.

The government on the other hand, was arguing that Apple should give them a way to bypass all security protocols on this phone so they could see any communications that the shooter may have had. They stated that they had tried out all the other ways of trying to open it, and they wanted Apple to basically hand them a key. This would then allow them to get into that phone, and any other phones that are involved in active cases.

The general opinion on this matter is still quite divided

 There are many people who side with Apple and state that there should be a way to keep all iPhone users’ information safe. These people also do not want the government to have the ease of getting into their phones whenever they want. On the other hand, you have many people who are siding with the government and the idea of keeping everyone safe by being able to get into this iPhone and any others that could potentially have information about future attacks.

The debate remains ongoing as just recently, Apple and the FBI were in court on this matter. It may not have come to blows as many people thought it would, but there is still no tidy bow that calls the situation done either. Because there is no precedent set in either way, it is still anyone’s guess as to what way this will ultimately fall down. Whether you are for Apple or for the government, everyone can agree that this issue is simply not black and white.

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